Case 20-001.1 | “Sometime Around Midnight (Part 1)”
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Case 20-001.1 | 001
Britt’s first comic of the series, guys! And it’s off to a good start, we think.
Case 20-001.1 | 018
Don’t take strange nachos from billionaires. Or nachos from strange billionaires.
Case 20-001.1 | 019
We’ll think of a caption later. Right now we’re wasted and can’t remember what a pronoun is.
Case 20-001.1 | 028
You could say Dick is being the sensible one. But then again, he works for a private eye, so not really.
Case 20-001.1 | 029
“Oh jeez, what’s that humming noise? IS IT BEHIN–oh, wait. No. That’s my cooling system.”